Psyche, Soma & Spirit

Holistic Approach Optimizes Orthopedic Surgery Outcome

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 1. , 2001

Dennis Gates, MD, a Chicago orthopedic surgeon, has found that a comprehensive holistic approach that includes smoking cessation, dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, bodywork and stress reduction, can markedly improve surgical outcomes in his patients. His holistic approach results in faster healing times and fewer complications, not to mention other general health benefits.

Sustainable Weight Loss: Understanding Famine Physiology and the Psychology of Obesity

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 8, No. 3. , 2007

In 2001, Jon Abrams was a successful fast-track Wall Streeter. He was also morbidly obese, weighing over 400 lb. Despite disciplined dieting on everything from Atkins to Zone, he couldn’t lose weight, until he began to understand why his body wanted to be fat. Speaking at the American Holistic Medical Association’s annual conference, he shared lessons learned on his journey back to fitness.

Homeopathy Helps Women with Depression

By Lauri Grossman, DC - Vol. 6, No. 3. , 2005

Homeopathy can benefit many patients with depression, especially women. Dr. Lauri Grossman, a chiropractor and homeopath outlines key remedies for managing depression.

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