News, Policy & Economics

Naturopathic Medicine, Prescribing Rights & The Hard Road to a Better Health Care System

By Michael Traub, ND, DHANP, FABNO | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 1. , 2010

Last year, Hawaii naturopaths won a major victory when the state legislature expanded their independent prescribing authority. No sooner had the ink dried then the Hawaii Medical Assocation, with blessings from the AMA, sought to repeal the new law. The opposition is troubling given the dire shortage of primary care MDs in Hawaii and many other states.

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New Survey Shows Physicians Groups Prefer Medicare to Privates

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 10, No. 4. , 2009

Doctors may not exactly love Medicare, but a new survey shows they prefer it to the big private insurance plans when it comes to matters like payer communications, contract negotiation, payment processing, and overall satisfaction.

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Heal Thy Practice 2010: Platforms for Preventive Health Care

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 4. , 2009

For too many physicians, primary care practice feels like a shoe that just doesn’t fit. Like bewitched sisters in the children’s story, Cinderella, they’re cutting off parts of their feet in order to fit the shoes they believe they must wear.

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Helping Women with Osteoarthritis: Share Your Clinical Experience!

By Staff Writer - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

New studies are showing that, like cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis affects women differently than it does men. Women tend to have more severe pain, in more joints simultaneously, and the diseaes often has a far greater psychosocial impact. To better understand how joint disorders affect women and to identify strategies that can improve care, Holistic Primary Care is collaborating with Joyn, makers of the SheaFlex 70 joint health supplement, and, one of the nation’s largest online health communities, on a first-of-its-kind survey of doctors and patients. We invite your participation!

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Fee-for-Service, Concierge Practice: The Right Models for Holistic Care?

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

Despite the rapid growth of public interest in holistic medicine, and broader acceptance in medical circles, most Americans are hard-pressed to find physicians who provide comprehensive holistic care. Because most holistic services are not covered by insurance, doctors are obliged to develop new practice models outside the insurance framework. Fee-for-service and concierge care hold great appeal, but also present significant challenges.

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Physicians, Techies & Policymakers Try to Close the Primary Care IT Gap

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

If well designed and carefully implemented, electronic medical records (EMRs) can improve patient care, reduce medical errors and save physicians a lot of money. But cost factors and time demands have conspired so that fewer than 10% of all solo and small group practices have EMRs. A growing number of IT-savvy physicians, software designers and policymakers hope to change that.

What to Do – And What Not to Do – If Your State Medical Board Comes A’Calling

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

Disciplinary action from a state medical board is among every physician’s worst nightmares, and in some states, doctors who practice holistic medicine are especially vulnerable. But if you know your state laws, practice scrupulously, obtain informed consent from patients, and you’ve got competent legal backup, you have little to worry about, according to Alan Dumoff, JD, an attorney who specializes in representing integrative physicians.

New Board Offers Nutrition Certification for All Licensed Health Care Professionals

By Arthur A. Fierro, DC | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

In an effort to improve nutrition education for all health care professionals, he American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) has launched the first federally-recognized nutrition science certification program. Certification is open to licensed health professionals from any and all of the healing disciplines.

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