
The Myths & Realities of Precocious Puberty

By Kathleen Jones, MS, Contributing Writer

Early puberty—especially in girls—has become a topic of mainstream conversation, one that has raised significant concern for many parents, and everyone concerned with the issue has a pet theory about what’s to blame.

The downward shift in female pubertal age been well documented epidemiologically, and in recent years it has received considerable media attention.

But is it really a new phenomenon? Probably not. Does it have real health consequences? Very definitely.

Want Smarter Kids? Breastfeed!

By By Madiha Saeed, MD, Contributing Writer

Babies who are breast-fed for at least one year grow up to be significantly more intelligent than those breast-fed for less than one month, according to a Brazilian study published in The Lancet Global Health.

Teen Asthma Strongly Linked To Insulin Resistance

By Madiha Saeed, MD

Data from a recent cross-sectional study shows a strong link between insulin resistance and poor pulmonary function in a large cohort of adolescents. The correlation held for kids with asthma and, alarmingly, also in those without the disease.

Surging Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Pediatric Deaths

By Kristen Schepker

Throughout all developmental stages, adequate vitamin D intake is essential for optimal bone health and immune regulation. The medical community has long known that among infants and children, the consequences of vitamin D deficiency can be dire, ranging from rickets — characterized by softened, weakened bones — to unexpected death.

Probiotics Plus Vitamin C Prevent Colds

By Kristen Schepker, Assistant Editor

Cold and flu season can be a dreaded time of year for families with young children. But according to new research published last month in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin C and probiotics can be real allies for parents wondering how to protect their kids from common school-borne illnesses.

Blue Mamma, Big Baby

By Marijke Vroomen Durning, Contributing Writer

New research suggests that maternal mental health is a significant influence on childhood obesity. In particular, maternal depression seems to correlate with overweight in young children.

Skinny, But Sick

By Erik Goldman

Nearly 40% of normal-weight teenagers in the US show metabolic evidence of diabesity and increased cardiovascular risk.