Women’s Health

Yoga Improves Muscle Pain, Memory Problems in Cancer Survivors

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Two new studies of an innovative yoga program specifically designed for cancer survivors add to existing data showing that yoga can improve sleep, reduce “chemo-fog” and ameliorate a variety of chronic problems that often follow conventional cancer care.

Thyroid Problems Often Underlie Infertility, Pregnancy Complications

By Rhesa Napoli, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 2. , 2012

Thyroid dysfunction is a well documented, but often overlooked, factor in both male and female infertility, leading to miscarriages, premature birth, fetal death, low birth weight, gestational hypertension and developmental problems for offspring. Thyroid function screening makes good sense as a standard practice during preconception planning and prenatal care.

Foul Air, Fast Rx’s Fuel Childhood Obesity

By Erik Goldman

Exposure to air pollution and overuse of antibiotics may be important risk factors for childhood obesity, according to recent studies. The findings suggest that there’s more to the obesity equation than excess calories & lack of exercise.

I’m Just Mad About Saffron….

By Erik Goldman

Saffron aromatherapy can produce measurable and potentially meaningful changes in young womens’ hormonal chemistry, suggesting the possibility that it might be a useful remedy for PMS and dysmenorrhea.