
Office-Based Exercise Testing a Boon for Primary Care

By Erik Goldman

Office-based exercise testing for cardiovascular risk provides many potential benefits to patients, while creating much-needed new revenue for cash-strapped primary care practices, says Corey Evans, MD, a family physician at St. Anthony’s Primary Care in St. Petersburg, FL. “If you use the tools of stress testing plus intimal medial thickness measurement, you can do a […]

“Go Organic or Starve,” Investment Banker Tells World

By August West

“We have to go to an organic sustainable system or we’ll starve.” That’s not your typical granola munchin’, Prius-drivin’ food coop managin’ eco-citizen talking, but Jeremy Grantham, a highly successful investment banker, who just so happens to match keen financial instinct with an equally keen understanding of reality. In an article by Mark Bittman in […]

Yoga Improves Muscle Pain, Memory Problems in Cancer Survivors

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Two new studies of an innovative yoga program specifically designed for cancer survivors add to existing data showing that yoga can improve sleep, reduce “chemo-fog” and ameliorate a variety of chronic problems that often follow conventional cancer care.

AHMA President: French Healthcare is “Vraiment Holistique”

By Erik Goldman

Molly Roberts, MD, president of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), recently visited France, where she had an opportunity to see that nation’s healthcare system in action. She was impressed with what she saw. Critics of European-style healthcare often decry France’s system as the epitome of everything wrong with “socialized” medicine.  According to Dr. Roberts, […]

Low Vitamin D Levels May Trigger Weight Gain

By Erik Goldman

A new and interesting angle on the vitamin D story is emerging from research on weight gain in older women. The vitamin, it seems, is an important metabolic signal that indirectly regulates the propensity to store fat.

Clinicians Gather to Evaluate Health Impact of GMO Foods

By Erik Goldman

Clinicians, ecologists and healthy food advocates will gather next month in Broomfield, CO, for a day-long conference exploring the health impact of genetically modified foods. The “Seeds of Doubt” conference features talks by Dr. Robert Rountree, Dr. Don Huber, and noted food author, Francis Moore Lappe.


By August West, Contributing Writer

Almost every study that has looked at the relationship between acetaminophen use and childhood asthma–and there are now over 20 such studies–has found a significant association. The notion that use of this common OTC drug might trigger asthma was first posited 14 years ago. It took science this long to catch up.

Stomach Turning!

By August West, Contributing Writer

Obesity is clearly one of the biggest health challenges facing the nation, but has it really gotten to the point where we’re talking about installing outflow ports into the bellies of overweight people so they can drain off unwanted food?

Holistic Medicine is Military’s New Marching Order

By Erik Goldman

In an effort to improve the wellbeing of active duty personnel and returning veterans, the three branches of the armed forces and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have made a firm commitment to the integration of holistic modalities into military medicine.