
What’s NEXT in the Nutra Industry?

By Erik Goldman

Leaders in the nutrition and natural products industry are set to gather next week in Anaheim, CA, for the NEXT Innovation Summit–a gathering focused on development of new products for healthier living. Co-located with the massive Natural Products Expo West, the summit has emerged as a top think-tank for the industry. The market for healthier […]

To Prevent Prostate Cancer, SELECT Something Besides Selenium

By Erik Goldman, Editor

A new analysis of data from the federally-funded SELECT (Selenium & Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial) study appears to deliver the death-blow to the idea that supplementation with selenium and vitamin E can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The study, which was funded by the National Cancer Institute as been the subject of considerable […]

Smart (Head)Phones

By August West, Contributing Writer

First, they invented smartphones. Now, those wizards at Apple are working on world’s first Smart Headphones. Earlier this month, Apple announced that the company received a US Patent & Trade Office patent on a set of headphones containing embedded sensors  that can detect a variety of bio-signals including heart rate, temperature, and perspiration. The company plans […]

Yoga Recess Day Brings Age-Old Practices to Bright Young Spirits

By Erik Goldman, Editor

The Yoga Health Foundation, a volunteer-based consortium of yoga enthusiasts, has declared February 28th as “Yoga Recess Day,”  the culmination of a nationwide effort to bring yoga out of the studios and into the nation’s schools. The organization, which promotes the health benefits of yoga by providing one week of free classes in more than […]

Cereal Giant Says “Cheerio” To GMOs

By Erik Goldman, Editor in Chief

In response to intensifying consumer pressure, General Mills announced a year-long plan to eliminate genetically modified ingredients from its popular Cheerios breakfast cereals.

CEOs Starting to “Get It” About Holistic Medicine

By Erik Goldman

According to Donielle Wilson, ND, the nation’s corporate titans are starting to recognize the value of natural medicine and holistic healthcare. She speaks from her experience: her patients include a number of Fortune 500 CEOs, including the head of Aetna, whose experience with Dr. Wilson has been a strong catalyst for major shifts in Aetna’s insurance plans.

US Doctors Carry “Heavy” Burden, Says Medscape Report

By August West, Contributing Writer

Believe it or not, general surgeons and family physicians are the Fat Cats of American medicine, not in terms of income, but in terms of girth—a troubling indicator that the nation’s medical community ain’t exactly health. A new Medscape report based on a survey of more than 31,000 US doctors indicates that many are struggling with overweight & other health challenges.

Maternal Nut Consumption Reduces Nut Allergies in Children

By Erik Goldman

A new study of more than 8,000 mother-child pairs followed from birth through adoloescence indicates that incidence of childhood allergies to peanuts and other nuts is lowest in children born to mothers who eat the most nuts during pregnancy. The caveat is that this pattern holds true only if the mothers themselves are not allergic […]